To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the "Macross" anime series, Bandai is introducing a new series of Macross plastic models in HG, starting with the YF-19 variable fighter. The YF-19 model boasts a new transformation system, known as the "Shortcut Change" system, which has been developed through a re-evaluation of transformation, form, and movement. The system makes use of part replacements to streamline the transformation process, allowing for quick and easy transitions between Battroid, Gerwalk, and Fighter modes. The figure is sculpted to accurately represent each form, without being hindered by the limitations of the transformation process. The result is an enhanced range of motion and movable performance. The canopy is created using polarised moulding, which changes colour depending on the light. Additionally, the model includes effect parts to replicate the "Pinpoint Barrier Punch".



Gun pod x 1

Shield x 1

Effect parts x 1

Landing gear x 1 formula

Parts for reproduction fighter form x 1 formula

Parts for reproduction gawk form x 1 set

Joint parts x 1 set

Hand parts x 1 set

Nema sticker x 2

SKU B-50642581
Brand Bandai

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