Old school classic

The classic BMW M1 in Zol'Auto livery with starting number 72 put the pedal to the metal in the 24-hour race in France's legendary Mecca for endurance racing. Team BMW Zol'Auto drivers in the 1981 season were Pierre-François Rousselot, François Sérvanin and Laurent Ferrier. The BMW M1 Procar BMW Zol'Auto, No.72 24h, 1981 impresses with the timeless design of the 1980s and the distinctive and colourful paintwork.

Not from the old school by a long shot

The Carrera DIGITAL 132 BMW M1 Procar BMW Zol'Auto, No.72 24h, 1981 slot car brings the best times of long-distance motorsport back to your home race track. With the striking shape of the well-known racing car, every race is also a little journey through time. The vehicle brings a refreshing dash of colour with its striking paintwork. The slot car also impresses with front, rear and brake lights. Thanks to the original license from BMW, the vehicle looks just like the big role model in the iconic rainbow look. The slot car can be individually coded, has digital control and guarantees many hours of driving fun.

Front, rear and brake light

Original BMW license

SKU CAR-31040
Brand Carrera

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